Routines are snippets of functionality that control specific aspects of the game.

The Gathering and Rallying Routines will run any time other routines do not (If they are enabled of course)

If neither routine is enabled or able to do anything, a special routine will run which simply pauses until it there is something to do.

Primary routines are usually relatively long running operations such as Gathering.  Ancillary routines run when the configured date has passed.  They do not necessarily run at the exact time they are configured for. The exception to this is the Truce Agreement and Server War routines which are considered "Important" and can cancel other routines if it needs to run.

Primary routines are run whenever there are no Ancillary routines waiting.

When a routine is enabled, its name will be bold and a small green check will appear next to it. This lets you quickly see exactly which routines will be run for the visible instance.

To quickly find a routine in the list, start typing its name in the filter box at the top of the list and the list will be filtered accordingly.

Quick Tip

Quickly enable and disable routines by holding the Shift key and clicking the routine name in the list whilst the instance is stopped.

Quick Tip

Whilst an instance is running, you can force a routine to start by clicking the routine name whilst holding the ALT key.