Almost all routines can be run On-Demand using the button on the instance toolbar.

Some routines are available ONLY as On-Demand such as the Resource Count routine.

After pressing the button, you can choose the instances you wish to target and the routine you want to run.

If the routine has settings that could be change, pressing "Next" will display them and let you edit them.

Be aware of how settings are applied when using On-Demand.

The instance from where you initiated the On-Demand process is the "Primary Instance".  If you also select other instances, they are "Secondary Instances"

The settings displayed will be from the Primary Instance. When the On-Demand routine starts, these settings will be applied as follows.

Primary Instance.

The settings will work exactly as if you had changed them using the normal method.  They will be sent to the instance and will remain in place after the routine ends.

Secondary Instances

The current settings in the secondary instance will be saved.  A copy of the primary instance settings will be applied.  Once the routine ends, the original settings will be restored.

There are exceptions to this for specific routines.  Currently, the excluded routines are Sub City Mapper, March Count, City Mapper and Status Checker.  These routines would not be useful if the results of the routine were discarded.

Finally, you will be presented with options.

Auto Restart Routine

When enabled, the selected On-Demand routine will repeat continuously until it is manually stopped.

Suspend Eco Mode Handling

Do not use Eco Mode for this operation. This option has no effect when the instance is already running.

Cancel Running Routine

This option is only in effect when the instance is already running. When enabled, the current routine will be cancelled and the On-Demand routine will start.  Otherwise, the On-Demand routine will be started after the current routine ends.

Keep Running

This option is only in effect when the instance is not running. Normally, the instance will stop once the On-Demand routine ends.  With this option enabled, the instance will continue running and will start routines normally as if you had pressed the normal "Start" button.

Start Only

When enabled, any settings for secondary instances will not be applied.  The instances will simply run the selected routine with whatever the curretn settings for that instance are.