Boss Summon
If you have purchased the in game Rally Card, you can search for up to 10 Event bosses per day.
If you search for one of these and there is no boss nearby, one will be summoned for you.
The Boss Summon routine allows you to manage these summons.
The process happens in two stages.
Summon Request
Requesting a boss to be summoned is enabled on any instance by enabling the "Check Cache" setting. The instance will check if a boss needs to be summoned during its "Routine Factory" execution.
If the cache contains less than SUMMONTHRESHOLD bosses of all SUMMONABLEBOSSES, a notification is sent to the COLLABORATORS asking them to summon one. The notification will contain the boss to summon and the Cache that is to be used. The notification is not sent if the cache contains any BLOCKINGBOSSES
The boss to summon will be decided by taking each of the SUMMONABLEBOSSES in turn and seeing if one already exists in the cache. If it does, the next boss is checked until either a boss is found that can be summoned or all bosses have been checked. If no boss is available to be summoned, no notification is sent.
The summon request is passed to other instances using the standard cache system so do not necessarily have to be running on the same computer.
Enabled with the "Enable Boss Summon" setting.
Only one of COLLABORATORS is allowed to respond to each notification. That instance will then queue the Boss Summon routine to run which will do the work of actually summoning the boss. The Boss Summon routine cannot be started manually. Only Routine Factory can choose to run it.
The routine will “Search” for its assigned boss and cache it. Any rally starters can then pick it up in the normal way.
Summoned bosses should have their priority increased to put them at the top of the “Advanced Boss Sort” list in order to use them as quickly as possible.
To do this, the bosses will be added with a different Source field. For example, “Summoned”. The user can then prioritise these bosses in the way they see fit.
The instance who summoned will have its daily quota reduced. Maximum 10 summons per instance per day. Each instance will record the last time it successfully summoned a boss. If that time is before the current days reset, the quota will be reset back to 10. If the quota has been fully used, that instance can no longer respond to notifications.