Activity Log

Whilst Ragebot is running, the current routine will output to the Activity Log so you can understand better what it is currently doing.

It is totally normal to see error messages in this log.  Ragebot works by reading the screen and sometimes it is not 100% accurate or screen elements get in the way of what it is currently trying to read.  Usually the routines will recover by themself with little more impact than maybe missing a rally or not sending to a specific tile.

Whilst an instance is active, the log will continually be written to and scrolled down so the latest entry is always visible.  Should you want to go back and check the log, you can turn off this scrolling by pressing the "Logs" button on the main toolbar to suspend logging.

By default, the log window holds the last 300 lines of data. YO can change this in the settings if you want to keep more lines in memory.

Session Logs

Session logs allow you to go further back in time than the Activity Log allows.

Under the logs button, is a drop down menu that will take you to the session log folder for that instance.

A session log is every log line from when the instance started to when it stopped.  The filename will be the start time.

Logs older than 3 days are purged automatically.