Boss share is a utility routine designed for when your boss finders are in a different alliance to your rally runners..

With this routine, you can have unlimited boss finders in any alliance all sharing to the same cache.  You then only need one account in the target alliance that can run this routine and share all of the bosses in that cache to your Alliance Chat. 

Once shared, the bosses are hidden and no longer visible in the cache. As they are hidden and not removed, they cannot be added to the cache again. They will be removed from the cache after the natural cache expiry time.

Minimum Required Bosses

The routine will not start sharing unless you have at least this many shareable bosses in the Rally Starter cache,

Bosses To Share

When set to "All Bosses", every boss in the cache will be shared.

When set to "Not Rally Capable", any bosses that you are rallying yourself in this instance are not shared. Turning off Start Rallies is essentially the same as Share Mode = All.


How often the routine runs.

Do Not Share

Never share the bosses selected in this box.