There are not a lot of settings on this page as most configuration is done in the March Designer which yo would use to configure Battle Marches for each Boss you want to rally.


Select the cache you want to take bosses from.


This will allow rally starting to take precedence over Ancillary routines. Note that yo may prevent Ancillaries from running if you have a lot of bosses to rally.

Minimum Required Bosses

This is how many bosses need to be in the cache before the Start Rallies routine will run.  If you set this too low and are using Rally Subscriptions, you may find that your Boss Finders do not have time to find any bosses as the subscriptions will keep interrupting them.  If you can, use as many weak accounts as you can to do nothing but find bosses.

Rally Priority

The order bosses will be taken from the cache. You can sort the list according to your preferences.

You can set the relative importance of each option.  Custom sort allows you to drag and drop the boss order to whatever you would like. Advanced Sort allows you to create rules that determine the order of bosses in the cache.

Max Distance.

Only rally if the boss is less than this distance away.

Solo Bosses

The bosses that will be killed Solo rather than rallied.  For example, you can put Goblins in here which cannot be rallied or low level monsters.  Remember to follow your server rules as most servers will not be happy if you solo large bosses.

Routine Suspension

If you find that all of the Ancillary routines are taking up too much time when your Alliance is busy, use this option.  If the Boss Count specified exceeds the number of Bosses in the cache, the selected routines will be suspended and not run until the cache level has dropped below it again.  Use a schedule to turn this option On/Off if you know in advance when those times will be.

Whilst a routine is suspended, it will display as crossed out in the itinerary.

The cache display to the right of the Activity Log window will show you what bosses are currently cached for rallying.  The sort order is set according to your Rally Priority settings so the next boss taken from the cache, should always be the top one.

If a boss cannot be rallied, for example, if you do not have a march available that can kill it or if you have not configured that particular boss to be rallied by that instance, the entry  in the cache will be disabled and "greyed out".  Once a march becomes available again, it will re-enable to indicate that the boss can now be rallied.  Expect the cache to enable and disable items frequently as your marches become available and unavailable.

Hovering over any cached item will show buttons to remove the entry or to make it "Important".  If it is important, it will be moved to the top of the queue for rallying regardless of your Priority settings.

Deleting an entry  hides the entry from view.  It is still in the cache so it would not be able to be re-added by a routine.  If you want to completely remove the entry, press Shift at the same time as the clicking the Delete button. 

When there are enough *valid bosses in the selected cache, the Start Rallies routine is eligible to start. A boss is Valid if there is a march free that can kill it.

A boss will be taken from the cache based on your Rally Priority setting. The rally will be started and then that march is marked as unavailable for the duration of the rally. It will become available again once the rally and march time has expired.

It may seem complicated but the process is actually very simple. All it needs is:

1. Marches configured to kill bosses.

2. The Start Rallies routine to be enabled.

3. Valid bosses in the cache.

Once those pre-requisites are met, the rally process can start.