Gathering as you may guess sends marches out to resource tiles to gather from. You choose how many marches yo want to use for gathering and what type of resource yo want to gather.

Once gathering marches are full, the routine will continue searching for tiles and fill up the chosen cache. In future, this or other instances can use the cache to source tiles from.

If you have multiple accounts, it is best to turn off the cache on primary accounts so they do not waste time tile searching. Leave that to the farm accounts.

In the Resource section, choose the type and levels of resource you want to gather. 

Unless you are using a tile finder service, do not limit yourself to only high level tiles. YOu will probably spend more time looking for tiles. It is better to have 4 marches gathering on a L10 tile than 4 marches Idle whilst waiting for a Level 15 to be found. By default, the higher level tiles will be taken from the cache first.

You can use the Force Cache function to get farms to look for tiles for you.  With this enabled, the gathering routine will run normally but for any tiles at or above the Force Cache Level, those tiles will be sent to the cache instead of being used.  Your main account could then pick these up and use them when it needs them.

Troop Selection:

Default March

By default when a tile is selected for gathering, the game will attempt to send exactly the right number of troops (from your highest tiers) that are needed to completely empty it.  This along with the automatically selected General is your Default March,


Cycle through presets.  Each preset will be used in turn. You may wish to do this if you prefer to send your lower tiers to gather quickly.  Of course by doing this, you cannot send only what is required and also cannot guarantee that what you send will completely empty the tile.

Defined March

Use a march from the March Designer. For example, you could create an Exclusion March for gathering that excludes T1 Mounted from being used so that they are available for rallies.  Use the "Low To High" option to use low level troops first (Handy if you are on a volatile server).

General Selection:

Use Default General

No attempt is made to choose a general. the march will be sent with whatever the preset or default march automatically selects even if that means no general at all.

First Found

If there is no general automatically selected, the first one available in your list of generals will be selected for you.

Listed General

Ragebot will choose a general from the selection you choose. See General Selection

Default Or Listed

Same a Listed General but if any general happens to be already selected, it will use that instead.

Other Options:

Send to Cached Tiles.

Whether the current instance will take tiles from the cache and try to use them for gathering.

Send Tiles to Cache

Whether the current instance will add tiles to the cache. If this option is disabled, the gathering routine will end  once the maximum number of gathering marches has been reached.

Always Empty Tiles

Only send to a tile if you can completely empty it. Some people may get upset if you send to a high level tile and then return from it leaving it only half full.  With this option enabled, if you do not have the required number of troops to empty the tile, the tile will be skipped.

Recall Camped Marches

Sometimes when sending to a tile, the tile can vanish whilst you are still marching to it leaving your march in a camp where the tile used to be (potentially wasting the march until you notice it). With this option enabled, camped marches will be automatically recalled upon detection. Note that this setting will be in effect even if the gathering routine is not enabled,

Max Gathering Marches

The maximum number of marches you want to use for gathering. Once this limit has been reached, tiles will be sent to the cache instead (if enabled).  Use 0 to only cache tiles and never gather.

Max Rally Gathering Marches

The maximum number of marches you want to use for gathering whilst Joining Rallies is also enabled. Once this limit has been reached, tiles will be sent to the cache instead (if enabled)

Maximum March Distance

If this distance is exceeded, the routine ends. It may restart back at the default location depending on your settings.

Distance Calculation Mode

This controls whether the distance is calculated from the Keep location or the gathering start point.

Optimise Monarch Gear

After sending a march gathering, Automatically change Monarch Crystal to the type of tile sent to.

Start Location Type

When searching for tiles, the search begins at your keep or at a custom location and works outwards in a spiral pattern.  

Minimum Gathering Qty

Ragebot determines the level of a tile by the quantity of its contents.  It is unable to determine the tile level for partially used tiles.

If this setting is above 0, Ragebot will visit any partial tile of any level with at least this amount of resources remaining in it.  If you leave this setting at 0, only the tile levels you choose in the settings will be visited.

Exclusion Zones

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