The march designer enabled you to design specific marches for specific things.

There are two types of marches.

Battle March

This march allows you to choose a specific set of troops and generals.  It is used by the Start Rallies routine. Each type of monster you want to kill will have a march assigned to it.

Input how many times you can use this march without running out of troops into the "Marches Available" box. For example, If your march contains 1M T14 Cavalry and you own 2M T14 Cavalry, You can use this march twice.  Try to design your marches so that they do not share troops. If you have marches that have the the same troops assigned then you may find that when it comes time to set the rally, you do not have enough to complete your attack and the march will be aborted. Each time a march is used it becomes unavailable for the 5 minute rally time plus the march time to the boss and back.  This allows you to concentrate on the bosses you actually have troops for and not worry that your marches will be aborted for lack of troops.  Advanced March Mode changes this behaviour but requires a little more setting up.

Preset March

This march works exactly like the above Battle March but instead of choosing troops, you choose a preset to use. 

Both the Battle and the Preset marches allow you to assign bosses to them.  These should be the bosses you wish to kill with the current march.You can add the same boss to multiple different marches. 

Use the March Priority setting to choose which march would be used first of you have more than one march capable of killing a boss. The higher numbers are used before the lower ones. Give your marches that kill smaller bosses a higher priority and that will help avoid using your best marches on small bosses.

The march can also optionally change the Monarch Gear before killing a boss.  Choose the preset you want by selecting its icon next to the March Priority box.  The above image shows the default which is to not change the preset.

Gathering March

Gathering marches are further split into two additional options.

Inclusion March

Choose the types of troops you want to INCLUDE in the march

Exclusion March

Choose the types of troops you want to EXCLUDE from the march

For each of these, you have the option of choosing the Fill Direction which is the order that troops are used.

For example, to gather from the Alliance Tile, you might want an Inclusion march and to choose the troop types you want to send to the Alliance tile but for regular gathering, an Exclusion march could be more helpful so you can exclude your Siege or Boss killing troops.  If you live on a volatile server, you could also choose to set the direction to fill Low to High so that your lowest level troops are sent gathering first.

Designing Marches

1. Use the March Design button on your Instance toolbar to open the March Designer.

2. Create marches with specific troops and generals. You will use these marches in the Start Rallies routine. Each type of monster you want to kill will have a march assigned to it.

3. Input how many times you can use this march without running out of troops. For example, If your march contains 1M T14 Cavalry and you own 2M T14 Cavalry, You can use this march twice.  Try to design your marches so that they do not share troops. If you have marches that have the the same troops assigned then you may find that when it comes time to set the rally, you do not have enough to complete your attack and the march will be aborted. Each time a march is used it becomes unavailable for the 5 minute rally time plus the march time to the boss and back.  This allows you to concentrate on the bosses you actually have troops for and not worry that your marches will be aborted for lack of troops. 

If you have enabled Advanced March Mode in the Instance settings, this part works a little differently.

4. On the General Details tab, Add all of the generals you can use on this march. Make sure you add at least as many generals as you have marches.

5. Add the bosses you want to be able to kill to each march.