Monster Killer is a routine to kill the plentiful Common Monsters found on the the map.

You can focus solely on killing them if you like and let other instances find them for you by using a shared Monster Cache.

There are two modes for the routine.

For both modes, use the March Designer to set up either a Battle March or a Preset March.  A preset march is preferred if you want to kill at the maximum speed as a Battle March takes more time to select the troops. You could also select the Default March option so that whatever troops are selected automatically are sent.


This mode will scan the map for monsters and cache them.  Once there are [Start Count] monsters in the [Cache], a kill cycle will begin and each cached monster will be visited and killed.

To set up instances that ONLY cache the monsters for you, set the "Start Count" setting to 0 so they will not try to kill the monsters themselves.

Game Search

For this mode, the in-game search function is used.  Search will be used to find any monster between the two levels shown.  

It will start at the highest level. If no boss is found for that level or if the search starts to give you duplicate results, the level will be decreased and the search will begin again.

Marches are sent to valid bosses right away.

Note that the game search is implemented poorly and will frequently miss monsters or take you to locations where there are none. There is also no way to ask it to return the closest monsters first. In fact, there is almost no configuration available.