When this is run, the routine will go to your City Gate and check for the carriage.  If the carriage is there, it will attempt to kill the thief.

The routine will also be started if the "Invite" icon appears on the home page.


You should have a march set up in the March Designer detailing the General and troops you want to use and with the Royal Thief entry selected as a boss the march can kill..


You can make use of the Scheduled Profiles feature to change the frequency that Thieves are checked for.

For example, Royal Thieves seem to be most active shortly after reset so if you are frequently invited, you may want to set the frequency to every 30 minutes or so for the first couple of hours after reset.  You can change this to be less frequent later in the day.

Sending Invitations to your Alliance members

You first need to set up some Alliance members using Monarch Editor then choose the monarchs you wish to send the invitations to.  After a successful invitation, if the invited monarch is linked to a Ragebot instance, that instance will be notified that there is a Thief invitation and will schedule the killing routine.  The instance being notified does not need to have the Royal Thief routine enabled.

Note that enabling this routine only controls whether it is scheduled for the preset interval.  It does not control whether it will run or not.  For example, even with the routine disabled, should Ragebot detect that your thieves are loose (by seeing the popup in game), it will schedule the routine to run.  This way, you can invite killers without having the routine running ever X hours.