Subscriptions allow you to optimise your rally join experience.

Normally, to join rallies, your instances would need to be running the Join Rallies routine at the time the rally started. Using subscriptions, you can start this routine when a rally is started or detected.

First create a Notification Group that contains all of the instances yo want to participate in the process.  For example,  If you have two instances starting rallies, two scanning chat and two joining rallies, you would add those 5 instances to the same group.

Subscription Process.

When an instance starts a rally, it sends a notification to all groups that it is a member of.

Similarly, if a Chat Scanner instance is scanning chat and a rally is started by anyone else (another member of your Alliance perhaps) then a notification is sent.

Those notifications are received at every other running instance which must decide whether they want to act on them. They will only be acted upon if the instance is also a member of the same group as the instance that sent the notification.

Each instance can decide to ignore rallies for specific bosses by using the "Subscription Filter" shown in the settings above.  Any bosses in this list will be ignored.

Subscription Mode

Cancel Current means that the notification is acted upon as soon as it is received. The current routine is cancelled and the Join Rallies routine is started.

Next Routine means that the current routine will be allowed to finish normally and then Join Rallies will run.

Important Routines

Add routines to this list that you do not want to be interrupted.  Any routines in the Important Routines list will be allowed to finish regardless of the Subscription Mode setting.

Subscription Only

When enabled, the Join Rallies routine will only start once a valid notification is received.  At all other times, it will be as though the routine is turned off.

For example, you may have instances doing nothing but Boss Finding but yo also want them to join rallies.  To prevent then needing to constantly scan for rallies to join, you can instruct them to join only when they receive a notification that a rally has started.