Rallying is the action of joining rallies started by other people.  Normally, you would have one or more specific presets set up with your favourite rally generals and a single T1 troop.

Rally Subscriptions and Notifications

Rallies To Join

This is a list of all the the rally types you want to join. You can add or remove the various bosses from the list.

You can add bosses to the list by clicking in a blank area of the box.  A drop down area will appear with all of the bosses that are currently not selected inside.  Choose the bosses you want and press the "Add Selected" button.

To remove a boss from the list, click the X next to its name.

When selecting Vikings, if the Viking you want to add is not there, go to the Vikings routine settings and select the Difficulty level you want in the  Visible Vikings setting.

Troop Selection and General Selection are the same as for the Gathering routine. Please refer to the instruction there.

There is however and additional setting called "Cycle Presets".  If using Presets as the troop selection method, and preset is selected but there is no general, it is assumed the general is in use and the next preset in the cycle is used instead.  This will continue until either a preset with a general is found or all of the presets have been attempted. 

Chat WIndow

When "Join From Chat" is enabled, Rallies are joined from the Alliance Chat window instead of the Alliance War screen.  It does not matter whether coloured chat bubbles are in use or not.  All messages will be read the same way.

Use the Scan Interval to choose how long to wait between each scan of the window.

Whilst joining rallies, you can also cache bosses that are found in the chat window(s)  You can scan any of Alliance Chat, World Chat or Whisper.  The bosses that you want to be cached are taken from the Boss Finder routine but the Boss Finder routine does not need to be enabled.in order to cache bosses found in chat.

The Whisper option will  will cache bosses that it finds in your whisper to the selected cache.  You can enter the monarch name of the whisper you want to check.  For accuracy, go to the Monarch details page and copy their name to the clipboard.  Leave this box blank and the first person at the top of the list be be checked instead.

Caching will ignore any bosses from a server that do match your own.