Do not rely on the Truce Agreement routine to always work.  Various outside forces such as internet disconnection can prevent it from running on time or running correctly.  It is a backup to your normal bubble plan only.

Ragebot uses the three primary bubble types.  Each type has the option to :


Never attempt to use this bubble


Only use this bubble if there is one in the inventory


Only use this bubble if there is the option top buy it. Do not use bubbles in the inventory. This routine will NOT open Gems from your inventory to cover the cost. If you want to open Gems, use the Clear Inventory routine.


If a bubble is available in the inventory, use it. If not. Buy one.

Renewal Offset

Attempt to renew the bubble x amount of time before the current one expires.

Bubble Order

The order in which the bubbles are used.

If you apply a Truce Agreement manually, run the routine manually to make sure the next update check is updated to the correct time.