Allow Main Routine Interruption will cancel the running routine when it needs to summon a Viking. Without this, you may find your Vikings not being summoned very often as the routine can only run when the Primary routines have naturally come to an end.Be careful though, some of the longer running routines such as Black Market may never be allowed to finish if your summon interval is too short. This could cause it to start running every time Vikings ends.

When Direct Rally is enabled, the rally will be started as soon as Ask for Help has occurred. When disabled, the Viking will be sent to the cache instead and be eligible for rallying by other instances.

If you are using the Start Rallies routine, it is best to let that take care of rallying your Vikings rather than using the dedicated Rally Viking option.  The reason for this is that Start Rallies can make better use of the Boss cache and Ragebot is not flipping between two different routines that essentially do the same thing.

Conserve Stamina will turn off the "Join Rallies" routine once you have enough Poleaxes to summon all of your Vikings.

Solo Vikings is the level of Viking you want to kill by yourself.

Minimum AC Share Level is the level of Viking required before you start sharing to AC (if that option is selected).  This lets you rally or solo vikings to your max capabilities but then continue summoning and sharing the rest for others to kill.

Max Viking to Summon

The maximum viking level that will be summoned

Summon Interval

How long before the routine runs again after it ends.

Solo Vikings

The maximum viking level that will be killed without rallying.


The difficulty level of Viking that will be started 


Where vikings will be shared to.,


Minimum AC Share

Do not share vikings to AC if their level is below this

Visible Vikings

Controls which vikings will be visible by other routines such as Join Rallies. Used to "tidy up" the UI and hide all of the easy vikings etc that you will probably never want to see.


Which cache the vikings will be shared to.

Chat Scanner Kind

When scanning AC for bosses, it is impossible to determine the difficulty level of vikings.  Any vikings found will be given this level initially. During rallying, if the viking doesn't match the level it says it is, it will be corrected and added back to the cache.

Allow Main Routine Interruption

Gives the Viking routine the ability to cancel other running routines so it can better run on time.

Conserve Stamina

Turn off Join Rallies if you have enough poleaxes to complete your vikings.

Direct Rally

Start a rally  on a summoned viking right away without adding to the cache.

Share Once

Viking will not be shared to AC if it is already in the cache.