Bluestacks has a mode whereby you can reduce the frame rate (FPS) of the game to allow you to run more instances using less PC resources.

Ragebot allows you to reduce the FPS to at least 9. Unfortunately, this has the side effect of taking much longer to start the game when it needs to restart although it does seem to be better than it used to be.

To mitigate this, Ragebot has a feature that will automatically turn Eco mode on and off when the game is restarting.

Feature Requirements.

  • The path to your Bluestacks.conf file must be correct so Ragebot knows where to find the data for the instances.

  • The instance name in Bluestacks must be the same name as the Instance in Ragebot.

  • The feature is Off by default. You should turn on "Auto toggle Eco Mode" in the application settings and choose the events that will toggle the mode.  Yo can also override this global setting in each instance if you need specific instances to use their own settings.

  • Set Bluestacks to at least 60FPS in the Performance tab of Bluestacks 5.  This is your "Default" speed when Eco mode is off.

  • Click your Eco mode button and set the Eco FPS to a value your computer can handle.  This has been tested down to 9FPS but if your computer has frequent errors during routines, or is unable to find elements on the screen accurately, try increasing the value.  It is actually better to start high and work down. e.g start at 30FPS, if you notice no issues after a couple of days, drop the FPS down another 5.

When the feature is enabled, Ragebot modifies your Bluestacks Eco mode shortcut key from the default of CTRL,SHIFT F to simply F10

This is because it is much more reliable to force keyboard shortcuts to specific windows when modifier keys such as Shift are not involved.  The change that Ragebot makes will not be recognised until after any running Bluestacks instances have restarted so the first time you enable the option, restart all Bluestacks instances or enable the option with Bluestacks completely closed

With the feature enabled, your instances will turn toggle Eco mode each time the game restarts taking the restart time from around 15 minutes to less than a minute. Once the game is started, Eco mode is turned toggled again.