This routine was designed to simplify the transition to and from the Server War event.

It is important that Gathering marches etc are recalled. You should check that this is happening at the specified time. Various popups, disconnections etc could cause the routine to fail.

When it runs, it will visit the menu to check the next start/end time of the event.  

Purge time is a pretty standard thing on most if not all servers.  It is the time by which you should have stopped gathering etc. It's is usually a couple of hours before the Event start but some servers have a shorter time and others may have a longer time.

What the routine does depends on when it runs.

Server war not started and purge time is in the future. 

The routine will be scheduled to run at Purge time.

Server war not started but purge time is in effect.

The Pre-SvS settings will be applied.

Server war currently running. 

The routine will be scheduled to run at the end of the event.

Server war recently ended. 

If the war recently ended, the Post-SvS settings will be applied.

The following assumes that you have enabled all settings within the Server War Routine but you can prevent settings for specific routines being changed by deselecting them. For example, deselect Join Rallies if you do not want to enable or disable that routine automatically.

Pre-Svs Settings.

Gathering will be disabled

Alliance Tile Gathering will be enabled.

All Camped, Gathering and Exploring marches will be recalled.

Gathering speed ups will be deselected in the Speed Consumption routine.

Join Rallies will be enabled.

Applies a new 3 Day Truce Agreement.

Post-Svs Settings.

Gathering will be enabled

Alliance Tile Gathering will be disabled.

All Camped, Gathering and Exploring marches will be recalled.

Gathering speed ups will be reselected in the Speed Consumption routine.

Join Rallies will be disabled.