City Mapper is a utility routine that maps the levels and positions of buildings in your city.

You can completely avoid running the routine by inputting all of the building data manually but this is tedious.

The buildings below to one of three categories.

Fixed Position

These building are always in the same position for every player.  City Mapper only records the current level of the building so that it may be used by the City Development routine..

Variable Position

This type of building can vary between different users as the locations depend on where you chose to build them. When these are mapped, the levels and also the actual position is recorded.  This is used for City Development in the same way as the Fixed Position buildings but also, the data is used to locate the building during some routines.  For example, Black Market needs to navigate to the Market in order to run.  Without the date created by City Mapper, the building would not be found.

Resource Tile

There are 30 of these. Each one is either a Resource Tile or an Army Camp.  City Mapper records the levels and tile type at each of the 30 locations.

If you change culture, the locations may change and you should clear the tile mappings using the button on the City Mapper settings page and run City Mapper again for the new culture.

Be very careful when applying profiles. You may accidentally overwrite the City Mapper data with date from a different instance.  Make sure that you use Filtered Profiles to deliberately exclude the City Mapper data from a profile unless you actually do want to apply it to another instance. If you find that some routines go to the wrong buildings, this is almost always the cause. To fix that, you would need to clear the mappings and run City Mapper again.

City Mapper will be auto scheduled for each new instance. You can cancel it but in order to run certain routines, it must be allowed to complete.  The best way to run it is using the On-Demand feature.  Once run, it is not normally run again unless you specifically need to.

The routine can fail under some circumstances.  For example, a popup may get in the way or an unexpected icon on a building may be clicked when trying to identify it.  If this happens, just start the routine again. Your previously mapped buildings should remain and will be skipped when run again.